Monday, February 19, 2007


Amy Chou
AA 192SL
Entry #4

February 24, 2007

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Ms. Chou!” screamed Stephanie. The students began clearing their desks and removing the heavy chairs down to the floor. I call them my ‘core group’—they arrive to school half hour before the bell rings (7AM!) and despite the earliness, they are eager to start class. We continued last week’s project, which we decided to call “Glue with Chalk.” Ms. Williams is planning to display the works along the walls in the hallway.
Reynaldo raises his hand and asks, “Ms. Chou, what else can I do to this [picture]?” I try to stray away from ‘telling’ students what to do because I do not want to impose and interrupt their process. I have come to realize as a student, myself, I encourage and respect suggestions and comments from my professors, T.A., and peers. I worked with Reynaldo in developing his piece—adding a background, highlighting the flowers and creating a stronger foreground by adding details of grass. I could tell he appreciated my suggestions, which allowed him to think about the various possibilities of this assignment.
We began the layout of the murals and hopefully, we will be able to paint next week. The students are ecstatic to have their works displayed for the public and so am I! I think the mural will set a brighter tone in the school (versus the dull, yellow stained walls).

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